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Created by Professional Office
Telephone: 0333 301 0703


Our aim is to constantly provide an accurate a robust level of protection in dealing with financial crime and the financial sanctions legislation.

However the information which we rely upon is provided by the relavant regulatory authority such as but not limited to the HM Treasury and as a result we cannot be responsible for the accuracy of that information. That said we do keep a record of all sanctions lists obtained from these authorities along with time and date of download for yours and our protection in these circumstances.

Whilst we do have a system that will provide results for minor miss spelt names, and this is constantly being improved, it is paramount that you the user ensures the correct spelling of a client name. Failure to correctly spell a name within our system could easily produce a false negative and whilst our system may tell you your client is not on the sanctions list this may be incorrect and is beyond our control.

With this in mind when carrying out sanctions checks within our system it is always best practice to use the client name printed on documentation collected from your client for Money Laundering purposes such as passports/driving licenses etc. Once you have keyed in this data please always double check it for accuracy.

PLEASE NOTE This system was designed and created within the United Kingdom. As a result, it is only designed to operate using western English language, essentially created using the standard western keyboard. accepts no liability whatsoever for the failure of the system in the event of any entries that include characters other than the standard English alphabet. We strongly discourage the use of any characters that deviate from this, and we do not indemnify anyone who carries out such actions. 

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